Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday March 20th 2010

I often sit back and think is this what my life is going to be like or can i get out and become something better and bigger? I was reading through craigslist and I saw quite a few of people looking for help.... a story like my son needs a heart and we need someone on craigslist to give us one.... I mean at first I thought maybe I should give mine but what if this is a joke ??? what am i sposta think about this type of subject??? Another thing is this fucking health care bill???? what the fuck are we thinking in America ???? every child and adult should have health care and be taken care of no matter what color you are... Everyone should be given a chance to live because you dont know what that one person could do for this country maybe they could save the world but they got so sick that they couldn't afford health care and they die.. What would you think then? it just something to think about. As for the government putting such high prices on everything what the heck is up with that? Do you wonder why we put up billboards saying we have starving children in America and all around the world because who wants to pay 14.99 for a pound of hamburger??? I know I can't afford that but maybe you can... The government doesn't give a shit about the American people cause if you did you would be out everyday trying to make the world a better place not sitting make fucked up decisons that will not affect you in any way .. you are sitting real nice in your houses with all your bills payed and still got money left over to do anything you would like... While people like us sit here and wonder should I feed my stomach today or my gas tank???? This whole HATI thing is really getting to me we can raise 100 million dollars to rebuild a country that mother earth destroyed but why cant we do that for the people of America we have hungry people here too that don't have food or shelter.... what the fuck ???? where are our priorities at here??? Dont get me wrong I love to help other people but when can we help Americans???? All this no sense of 2012 is fucking great when will the actually come out and tell us what is going to happen and stop all the bull shit ??:? I hope soon before its too late because I would like to have one more baby if thats the truth ... I understand that the people would go crazy but we need to know the truth... and for everything that the government hides its time to come out and tell all of it we the people deserve to know everything... cause just think if you were one of us what would you think??? I use to think that i really wanted to work for the government but i really dont want to lie my whole life I really want to HELP PEOPLE not destroy the world anymore.. Just my thoughts on this Saturday March 20th 2010

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